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  • Industrial Electronics Repair
    931-E S. Main St #204,
    Kernersville, NC 27284

  • 1-(336)-969-0110


    Repair Services for Industrial and Commercial Customers

    Manufactures Repaired

    Manufacturers List J
    J & J E BraasJ & J InstrumentsJ & LJ & L Engineering
    J & S InstrumentsJ & W InstrumentsJ & M LeasingJ A King
    J A Weaver CoJ And LJ B ElectronicaJ B Elektronik
    J B Webb CoJ C AbrasiveJ DieffenbacherJ F Instruments
    J F LehmanJ F Shaw CompanyJ F WhiteJ Findler & Sohn
    J Franz Ing Buero RiedstadtJ G PapailiasJ H JEJ J
    J Kem ScientificJ M ClarkeJ M Clarke LtdJ Mack
    J PollardJ Quality InternationalJ R MerrittJ Rochet
    J S WJ SchmalzJ SchmalzJ Schneider
    J SchneiderJ Schneider Elek GmbhJ Schneider Elek GmbhJ Sennhoffer
    J Sennhoffer J SteckerJ StarJ SteckerJ Tec
    J Tec AssocitesJ TechJ WagnerJ&L
    J&l Fiber ServicesJ&p Control SystemsJ&SJ&w Scientific
    J340 HeaterJa ElectronicsJa KingJa Products
    Ja RichardsJa Sexauer IncJabil CircuitJabil Circuit Inc
    Jabro BatteriesJabscoJac De VriesJac De Vries
    Jack Chrisman EnterprisesJack MoonJackes Evans DivisionJackson Ind
    Jackson ProductsJackson TransformerJacobJacob Chuck
    Jacob ElektronischeJacobsJacobs ChuckJacobs Chuck Technology
    Jacques EbertJacques Ebert ElectronicsJacuzzijacuzzi board
    jaeJae ConnectorsJaegerJaespa
    Jaf BearingsJagenbergJagenberg IncJagenburg
    Jageson TechnologyJaguarJaguar CarJahn
    JahnkeJahnsJahns Alfred TevesJahns Alfred Teves Jahns
    JaiJai AmericaJakobJakob Hatteland
    JamagawaJamalamJamecoJames A Redding
    James Bond CoJames Bond ElectricJames Bond Electric CoJames Electronics
    James Electronics IncJames Electronics IncJames Howden & CoJames Instruments
    James Instruments IncJames RiverJames RossJames Ross Ltd
    James ThompsonJames WalkerJames Walker JamesburyJamesbury
    Jamesbury ValveJameswayJamesway Incubator CoJamicon
    JamieJamison Door CoJan FanJancey
    JancoJancy EngineeringJandelJandel Scientific
    JandyJandy IndustriesJandy Pool ProductsJandy Products
    Janicah & KlassJanich & KlassJanich & Klass ComputertechnikJanich & Klass Cumpertechnik
    Janich And KlassJanke KunkelJanomeJanssen
    Janus Computerized DisplaysJanus Elevator ProdJanus Elevator ProductsJanway
    JapaJapamecJapan AccumulatorJapan Analysts
    Japan Automatic MachineJapan AutomationJapan ElectricJapan Fitting
    Japan Patent ElectricJapan PneumaticJapan PneumaticsJapan Radio Corp (JRC)
    Japan ResistorJapan Resistor ManufacturingJapan Rotary JointJapan Servo
    Japan Servo CoJapan Servo Co LtdJapan Servo Japan UnixJapan Storage Battery
    Japan Thermometer & Hydrometer IndustrialJapan UnixJapan VickersJapanese Products Corp
    JapaxJapax circuit BoardJaplar SchauerJaquet
    Jaquet AgJaquier LehmannJaquier LehmannJard
    Jardis IndustriesJari MowerJarnetta LtdJarret
    JarrettJarrow BrindaJarvisJarvis Webb
    Jas TeletechJascoJasonJason Belting
    JasperJasper ElectronicsJasper EngineeringJasper Engineering Jatek
    JaudtJautzJavelinJavelin Electronics
    Javelin SystemsJavlynJawzJay
    Jay ControlJay Control CompanyJay ElectronicsJay Electronique
    JaycoJayco Interface TechnologyJazz IncJb Electronica
    Jb IndustrialJb IndustriesJb InnovationJb Systems
    Jb WebbJb WeldJblJBL XM
    Jbm Electronics IncJBox AmplifierJbro Batteries IncJbs Bosch Erlangen
    Jbs ErlangenJbt InstrumentsJbt SwitchesJc Controls
    Jc Info SystemsJc SystemsJc ZobristJcb
    JCEJci AqhJCRSJcv Computing International
    Jd Gould CompanyJDHJdi TechnologiesJdk Controls
    Jdk Controls IncJDLJdl Jds UniphaseJdr Microdevices
    Jdrive MicrodevicesJDSJds InterfaceJds Uniphase
    JdsuJeambrunJeambrun AutomationJean Mueller
    Jean MullerJean Muller FusesJeantechJEC
    Jeck KogyoJeco MaticJedsJeff
    JeffersonJefferson ElectricJefferson HydrltdJefferson Solenoid
    JefferyJeffery ChainJeffreyJeffrey Allen Inc
    Jeffrey ChainJeffrey DresserJeffryJeica
    Jeil Coin Counterfor Spare PartsJelenkoJelmar CompanyJelrus
    Jelrus InternationalJelrus Technical Products CorpJelusJem
    Jemco MultimetersJemco Multimeters JencoJemms CascadeJenco
    Jenco Instruments, IncJenconsJenkins ElectricJenn-Air
    JenningsJenny ScienceJensenJensen Control
    Jensen ElectricJensen ToolsJensonJenson Corp
    Jentek SensorsJenwayJergensJerguson
    Jerguson Gage & ValveJerome IndustriesJeron Electronic SystemsJerrold
    Jerrys Building SupplyJersey PrecisionJershonJervis B Webb
    JescoJesco DosiertechnikJesus RomeroJET
    Jet Blast IncorporatedJet EquipmentJet Jet PressJet Lube
    Jet PipeJet PressJet StripperJeta
    Jeta Power SystemsJetamarkJetlineJetline Engineering
    JetpowerJetsewJetstreamJetta Power Systems Inc
    JetterJetter AutomationJetter GmbhJetway
    Jetway SystemsJeumont SchneiderJeurusJewell
    Jewell Elect InstrumentJewell InstrumentsJf WhiteJFC
    Jfw Industries IncJgbJgb CoJgb Co
    JGEJh BennettJh TechnologyJh Williams
    JhjeJi Haw Industrial CoJi HongJiangsu Suhang
    Jiann Wa Electronics Co LtdJiaxing Shufude Electric Bed Co LtdJiffyJiki Keisoku
    jiki pulscaleJimcoJincmnJinco Computers
    JinemnJinyoung Contech Co LtdJISJisan Tech
    JitJj AutomationJj SystemsJj Tesla
    JKJk IndustriesJk L ManufacturingJk Lasers
    Jk Lasers LtdJklJkl ComponentsJkl Components Corp
    JknJKVJkv PimaticJl Cooper
    Jl OpticalJl Shepherd & AssociatesJLCJld Systems
    JLGJLG CurtisJLG Curtis InstrumentsJLG ES System
    JLG Ground control boardJLG MillipakJlg Smart SystemJLG Smart Systems
    JLG Start SystemJm CantyJm ClarkJm Clipper
    Jm ConceptJm EngineeringJm GrimstadJm Heaford Ltd
    Jmar ToolsJMCJmk IncJMR
    Jmr ElectronicsJms SoutheastJn JohnsonJnl
    JnzanoJOJo Bell ProductsJo Paul Industries
    Joachim UhingJob PublicationsJobcomJobin
    JockformerJoemaster Systems LtdJoest DuelmenJofra
    Jofra InstrumentsJohanes HübnerJohann A Krause IncJohannes
    Johannes HeidenheinJohannes HubnerJohannes HuebnerJohanson Manufacturing
    John BabashakJohn BarnesJohn BeanJohn Bean FMD
    John Boos & CompanyJohn BrownJohn Brown AceJohn Crane
    john deer cotroll unitJohn DeereJohn Deere Performance MonitorJohn Dusenberry
    John DusenberyJohn Dusenbery CoJohn E MitchellJohn E Mitchell Co
    John E Mitchell CoJohn E Mitchell CoJohn FlukeJohn Guest
    John Henry Foster MinnesotaJohn HoggJohn N ThorpJohn Smith
    Johns ManvilleJohnsonJohnson & JohnsonJohnson Charles W
    Johnson Charles W Johnson ComponentsJohnson ComponentsJohnson ControlJohnson Controls
    Johnson Controls JciJohnson E FJohnson FitnessJohnson Level
    Johnson March SystemsJohnson Marine BearingJohnson Punch LineJohnson Service
    Johnson Service CoJohnson WaxJohnson YokogawaJohnsonfitness
    Johnston Fluid PowerJohnston PumpJohnstoneJohnstone Pump
    Johnstone Pump CompanyJohnstone’sJoint ElectronocJokab Safety
    Joki DenmarkJolaJola SpezialschalterJoliet Equipment
    Joliet ValveJoliet Valves McjunkinJomacJomac Products
    JomarJomo Sanitaer KunststofftechnikJonardJonard Ind Tools
    Jonard IndustriesJonathan Engineered SolutionsJonelJonel Engineering
    Jones & LamsonJones ChromatographyJones InstrumentsJones Stephens
    Jonh C Ernst IncJoplaJoracoJorc
    JordanJordan ControlsJordan ValveJordon Valve
    Jordon Valve Jorgenson Steel JoucomaticJorgenson Labs IncJornsJos Schneider Optische Werke
    JosamJoschim UchingJosef BarthelmeJosef Emmerich Pumpenfabrik
    Josef HuberJosef MartinJoseph GartlandJoseph M Day Company
    Joseph ManufacturingJoseph PernickJoseph T FewkesJosh
    JosieJoslynJoslyn ClarkJoslyn Clark Joslyn
    Joslyn ElectronicJoslyn Hi VoltageJoslyn SunbankJost
    Jou Jye ComputerJouanJoucomaticJouka
    JouleJoule PowerJoule Power IncJourneyman 300
    JOYJoy CompressorsJoy EnviornmentalJoy Enviromental
    Joy EnvironmentalJoy ManufacturingJoy MfgJoy Technologies
    JoyalJoyceJoyce DaytonJoyce Loebl
    JoystickJoystick ControlJoystick Control ModuleJoystick Controller
    JoysticksJp TechnologiesJpaxJPC
    Jpc ControlsJpc ProductsJpc Saint Germain Sur MorinJR
    Jr MerritJr MerrittJR TraficcounterJr Traficounter
    Jr Willis IncJR3JRBJRC
    Jrc JrmJrcsJRMJsc Wire And Cable
    Jsgus TimersJSKJSPJsr Ultrasonics
    JSTJst J StarJSWJsw Jt Baker
    Jt BakerJtbJthcJTP
    Jubilee ElectronicsJuchheim GmbhJuckerJUD
    JudcoJudd WireJukiJulabo
    Julabo LabortechnikJulabo UsaJulie IndustriesJulie Research Lab
    Julie Research Laboratories IncJulie Research LabsJumbercaJumbo
    JumoJumo Process ControlJumtronJun Air
    junction boxJungJungblutJunge
    JungheinrichJungheinrich AgJuniperJunkers
    JunkoshaJunkosha IncJunkoushoJuno Lighting
    JunronJupiterJupiter TechnologiesJupp Reichenbruch
    Jura ElektronikJuridJust For You EnterpriseJust Power Semis
    Just SystemJustriteJustwoJVC
    Jvc Of AmericaJVLJvl Industri Elektronik A SJvs Electronics
    Jw HarrisJw MillerJw Speaker CorpJwi Inc
    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    You can contact us at 1-(336)-969-0110
    Industrial Electronics Repair
    931-E S. Main St #204,
    Kernersville, NC 27284
    Recent Questions
    • Reta Electronic - Dear Sir, I need your enormous help my employer acquired a milling machine and using reta BV 522/28-17-2b converter and
    • Esa Gv - Hi We are in the Flat glass industry and have a cnc cutting table with a Tria 4000 controller which the static RAM is corru
    • - Where can I find the owners, service and parts pdf manuals for this unit? Thank you, Terry
    • Scandialogic - Please send me pdf manual of inverter SCANDIALOGIC Slm 750 - 1
    • Industrial Electronics Repair - I have 2 Goring-Kerr (Thermo Fischer Scientific) DSP2 metal detectors that show the following faults in the status page: Faul
    • Dynamote - Trying to wire the remote switch inverters not working without it
    • - The machine is in beautiful condition, but due to not staying plugged in, the parameters have leaked off. Do you have a fix?
    • American Farmworks - do you sell American Farmworks 01479-92 board or the transformer on it? Please let me know cost and availability
    • Kouwa - I need an English manual for model KMV-150-M15-H serial 1906- M2328. I also need some sort of guidance with dip switch settin
    • Alpha Press Co. - do you offer repair for older alpha press machines? We are in need of someone who can fix the presses when they go down.
    • - Good morning, is it possible to repair polatech typ 92 EMC / 022 483 and ENCODER 022 257 . Thank you
    • -
    • Socapel - Dear Concern, Please see under below detail then quote rate and also share performa invoice now on first p
    • Leland Faraday - I have a Leland Faraday 3 hp 230 volt single phase motor. It has 6 wires coming out of the motor, Black, Blue, Red, Green, Wh
    • Amf Paragon - do you have on/off timer pins for model MC 404-00. White for on and Black for off.
    • Velconic - My VELCONIC VLNBE-050P-XP servo drive have error code 05. What is this error 05 means ?? Tqvm !
    • - atlas copco system failure 7001
    • Rittenhouse - Hello, I purchased my 4 note-8 note melody door chime in 1995. It has been set up on a battery operation operation
    • Unknown - Make: Agco/hesston Model/Part:700715547 Quote:
    • Sparton - Looking for KT600F Keypad, for spare. Any? This is from an old post, Thanks John
    • Power Supply Repair - Make: Power Supply Repair Quote: I was needing my computer power fixed, how much does it cost to get a quote?
    • Teijin Seiki - Looking for a Vigoservo ASR30 Manual.
    • Quinton Crane - Hi, We have a Quinton Crane B481c PCB used in Bridgeport Vertical mill Series I. due to power fluctuations, this pcb is no
    • Dynamote - My husband recently passed away and while cleaning the garage I came across this item. It is a Dynamote B20-12 with CD, LVCO
    • Wohlenberg - Sir I need wohlenberg mcs-2 Tv cutting machine electrical diagram and service manual for English language
    • Atlas Copco - WE have two of the Atlas-Copco GA132 compressors onboard for our bulk handling system. One of them has an error code on the
    • Teijin Seiki - 25 drive alaram number
    • Scandialogic - Manual de inverter SCANDIALlogic
    • Toyo Denki - Manual book toyodenki v5100hg
    • Burgmaster - We are looking for oil seals for a Burgmaster Model 1-D the part number is A105406-00 we need 14 but will take what ever we c
    More Repair Questions.....

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    "Industrial Electronic Repair" is not an authorized distributor or representative
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